Tuesday, 3 September 2013


The more you blog, the harder it can be to
come up with fresh ideas to write about. Two
of the most important parts of a blog are
compelling content and frequent updates.
Take a look at the following blog post ideas
to spark your creative juices when you can't
think of what to write about. Just remember
to try to apply each of these ideas
appropriately to your blog topic.
1. Lists
People love lists, and just about any kind of
list is bound to attract traffic. Top 10 lists, 5
things not to do, 3 reasons I love something,
etc. Start with a number then take it from
2. How-to
People love to find easy-to-follow
instructions to help them accomplish a task.
Whether you want to teach your readers how
to throw the perfect curve ball or how to
avoid getting bitten by a mosquito, the choice
is yours.
3. Reviews
You can write a review of just about anything
on your blog. Take a look at the following
The possibilities are nearly endless. Just think
of something you've tried and write about
your experience and thoughts.
4. Photos
Post a photo (or photos) related to your blog
5. Link Roundup
Write a post that includes a list of links to
other blog posts that published great posts
or to websites you like.
6. Current Events
What's going on in the world? Write a post
about an interesting bit of news.
7. Tips
Write a post to share tips to help your
readers accomplish something in an easier,
faster or cheaper way.
8. Recommendations
Share recommendations for your favorite
books, websites, movies or other "favorites"
related to your blog topic.
9. Interviews
Interview a prominent figure or expert in
your blog topic then publish a blog post
about it.
10. Polls
Register for an account with a site like
PollDaddy.com then publish a poll related to
your blog topic in one of your blog posts.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

How to root Samsung Galaxy y

Here is the simple tutorial to root
samsung galaxy y s5360 but lets first
we take a small review about this
Samsung mobile. Samsung galaxy y
s5360 is the best low budget smart
phone. It has very fast 800 MHz
processor which is enough to make
android faster. It comes with Android
OS v2.3.5 Gingerbread, but you can
root and update it to new version. It
has 7.2 Mbps HSDPA which is good to
browse internet. It also supports 3G.
Now if you want to upgrade your
mobile version to any other version
then first you have to root samsung
galaxy y s5360. Just follow these
simple steps to know how to root
samsung galaxy y s5360.
After rooting your samsung galaxy y
s5360 you can install firmwares. Now
you have complete access to your
device. If you know a little bit of
coding you can customize your
samsung galaxy y s5360 as you want.
What is Rooting?
Routing is the process to get into the
root of android means you can access
to android coding and subsystems. You
can install custom ROMs to rooted
devices easily. After rooting you can
customize your Android Smartphone as
you want. It helps mobile user to
update their system software’s to
other versions. It is dangerous to use
rooted phones but you can make more
fun via rooting android devices.If you
need more information about rooting
just read Android Rooting.
Note – After rooting your device, you
will lose the device warranty. But you
can gain your warranty by unrooting it.
Techsmasher will not responsible for
what you do with your device. So root
samsung galaxy y s5360 at your own
Things to do before starting
Go to setting > application >
development > on USB
debugging. Make sure that you
have installed USB drivers for
this device because if you have
not any driver on a PC then you
cannot run this process.
Close all the application which is
running in the background.
Note that your Samsung galaxy y
s5360 is fully charged.
Now download   www.mediafire.com/?zl8fc06mhqftj0b  which is
required to root samsung galaxy
y s5360. This is update for your
phone which help you to root
Samsung galaxy y s5360.
Steps To Root Samsung
galaxy y s5360
1. First connect your device to
your personal computer and
check that your samsung galaxy
y s5360 is properly connected
to the PC.
2. Now just copy that update.zip
file to root directory of your
phone. Do not copy that file in
any other folder just copy and
paste it in the root folder.
3. Now switch off your phone.
After switching off your phone
press (volume up key + power
key + home key) together for a
few seconds to get into
recovery mode.
4. Now your device is in recovery
mode use volume keys to
navigate and use home buttons
to select options.
5. Now navigate to choose from
SD card and select zip from
SD card. Now navigate to
update.zip and select it via
home key.
6. It will start the process of
rooting, it will take some time.
After process will complete it
will ask you to reboot, just
reboot your Samsung galaxy
7. Your Samsung phone will be
start automatically. Just try to
find supersu app, if you find
any app like this then your
device is successfully rooted.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Best Love quotes nd sayings

Best love quotes and sayings...When i first saw u my heart stopped ,my brain
stopped there were birds flying around my heart .
Only u were on my mind and you still on my
mind and heart . So this is what i want to say
baby ''I LOVE U''

your eyes are like the moon
while your smile is bright as the sun
— unique

Harder i thought to forget you
Stronger you came in me
smaller was your love for me
but longer my expectation..
hoping you will soon love me...
— self

Your voice is my favorite sound,
Your name is my favorite word,
Your hugs are my favorite feeling,
Your smile is my favourite sight.
I love You,
You are amazing!
— Anonymous

I want me and you to be a perfect and helpful
peer... My life with you I want to share.

Love is like rain that touches land after long
It brings freshness and life into you and
everything around you
— Lucky Love

Everyone asked me, why is it that I love you this
I never told them why, because,
they too might fall in love with you after knowing
You are mine and mine only.
— Maanas

I want the deepest darkest sickest parts of you
that you are afraid to share with anyone because
I love you that much
— Gaga

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn
to play by the rules, then you must forget the
rules and play from your heart.
— Anonymous

Friday, 16 August 2013

Lock any folder without any software

Lock any folder without any software..
1. Open Notepad and Copy code
given below into it.
title funplustricks.blogspot.com
if EXIST "Control Panel.
A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto
echo Are you sure to lock this
folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock
Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== funplustricks goto
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.
ren "Control Panel.
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created
goto End
2. Save the notepad file as lock.bat
(.bat is must)
3. Now double click on lock.bat and a
new folder will be created with name
   4. Copy all your data you want to
protect in that New folder
5. Now double click on lock.bat and
when command promp appears Type Y
and press enter.
6. Now MyFolder will be hidden from
you view, to access that folde double
click on lock.bat
7. It will ask for password enter your
password and done. (Default password
is funplustricks )
To change the password
replace funplustricks with
new password in the
above code
You might be thinking that anyone can
access the password by opening that
lock.bat file in Notepad or any other
text editor. To make it more secure hide
lock.bat in some secure location after
following the above tutorial To access
the secured file double click on lock.bat.
I would suggest copying lock.bat file
into Pendrive and copying it into your
computer whenever you required to
access to your protected files.

Hide any file behind an image

Hide files behind any image..
There are some important  files or document
you want to hide from others on your
computer. To do that you might be creating
folder inside folder to hide such files but in
todays tutorial i will change this by teaching
you a interesting trick to hide files behind
images.To hide a file behind a image means
that if any one opens that image he will see
the image, but to see the hidden file we
need to open that image in a specific way.
So lets get started .
How To Hide File Behind Image ?
In order to do this you should have basic
understanding of command line, but if you
don't know check out tutorial given below.
Video Tutorial On Basic Terminal Commands
1. Select an image to be used for hiding file
behind the image.
2. Now select a file to hide behind the image
and make it in .RAR format. With the help of
the WinRAR.
3. And most important is that paste both
the files on desktop . You may do this
anywhere instead of desktop if you have
some basic understanding of command line.
4. Now open cmd by going to Start >
Accessories > Command Prompt and type
following commands in it.
cd desktop
5. CD stands for change directory by typing
above command you change your directory to
desktop . After that type command given
Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar
Replace imagename.jpg with the name of
image you want your file to be hidden
behind. Don't forget to add image format
(Eg: .jpg,.png,.gif)
Replace filename with name of your file you
want to hide. It must be in .rar format.
Finally Replace finalimage.jpg with whatever
name you want your final image with hidden
files should be. This is the image where your
file will be hidden.
6. Now when you will try to open this newly
created image it will open as normal image,
but to open you hidden file you need follow
steps given below.
How To Access Hidden File ?
To access your hidden file you need to open
the newly created image in winrar . Just
follow simple steps given below to do that.
1. Open winrar
2. Now locate your image and open it or
simply drag your image in winrar.
3. Extract the file and done.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Krishh 3 official trailer

How to make money online by blogging

Blogging allows you to express your
opinions and connect with people who have
similar interests. It can be done in your
free time or on a full-time basis. But can
you make money by blogging online? You'll
be happy to know that you can with a little
effort and determination. Don't make the
assumption,however,that hard work is all it
takes. You must also like what you blog
about and stick with it.
Maybe you’re a fashionista that's eager to
share your opinions on the latest trends, or
an at-home cookwith recipes that you feel
others will enjoy. You might be a techie
that keeps abreastof the latest news
regarding technology that others may find
helpful. Whatever the reason, you can start
making money by blogging online.
Once your blog is up and running, you can
bring in money through advertising. Charge
companies a rate to sell products or
services on your blog. Place relevant ads on
your sitethat will pay you a rate every time
one of your visitors clicks on it.
Affiliate Programs
Sell products and services on your blog
through affiliate programs. Place a link on
your site to sell a product, or mention it in
one of your blog posts so visitors
canpossibly click on it. When visitors click
on the link, it will take them to the
advertiser's site. You’llget paid if your
visitors buy something.
Promote Your Products
If you offer a service or created a product,
you can easily sell this on your blog. For
instance, if your blog is about job
searching and careers, you can create
abook about how to write a good resume
to sell on your site. If your blog is
successful, this can be a great money-
making method for you.

Tricks to increase internet speed In all windows

In the 21st century, it can be witnessed that each and every individual is always in hurry. In every individual’s life, there are a number of tasks that need to be fulfilled and that is exactly why swift pace is what we prefer. We tend to hold a similar need in case of the Internet speed as well. Many a times, we face the problem of slow Internet speed that ends up heavily disrupting our activities and schedule at large. Hence, in order to prevent the occurrence of this particular situation in our lives, it is essential for us to pay heed to the tips mentioned below, which are believed to assist us in lifting up the Internet speed of Windows altogether.
#1 Reservable Bandwidth
First and foremost, you can begin with enabling the reservable bandwidth and following this by setting it on zero. If this is done, then your system will be in a position to reserve nothing, but the twenty percent default. In order to activate the same you need to follow a certain prescribed process.
Click on “Start” button then click on Run option (You can use shortcut “Windows button + R”) and type gpedit.msc. It’ll open new window of the “Local Group Policy Editor”. Then go to
–> Local Computer Policy
–> Computer Configuration
–> Administrative Templates
–> Network
–> QoS Packet Scheduler
–> Limit Reservable Bandwidth. Click on Limit Reservable bandwidth. Then it’ll open new window of “Limit reservable bandwidth”.
You will see “not configured” radio button is selected by default, by default, “the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection” so click on “enabled” radio button and in Options set Bandwidth limit (%) to 0. So from now system will reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.
Increase Internet Speed
#2 Using OpenDNS or Google Public DNS
To increase Internet speed use any DNS service either OpenDNS or Google Public DNS.OpenDNS
Apart from the aforementioned approach, you can also consider making use of OpenDNS in order to lift up the Internet Speed on Windows. The OpenDNS is known to offer complete protection as far as phishing attacks and botnet infections are concerned. Moreover, the OpenDNS is known to ensure that the websites are easily accessible. However, the cherry on the cake still remains the fact that the OpenDNS is an experimental service and thus the chances of additional features being continually added to the same always remains bright.
Click on Start Button then open Control Panel then go to
–> View Network status or Network and Sharing Center
–> Choose Your Network Connection
–> Properties
–> Check for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
–> Click on Properties again
–> Enter Open DNS preferred IP addresses ( for the Preferred DNS Server box and for the Alternate one.)
–> Exit and go to your desktop.
Open Run Windows (“Windows button + R” or open Run Window from Start Menu) Type ipconfig/flushdns in the black box that appears on the screen. The process of installing OpenDNS on your computer is now complete.

Get your Google adsense application approve easily by follwing these steps:

Google Adsense is an add program from Google started in 2008. It allows publisher to add advertisements on their websites and make revenue from google.

When the Google Adsense started in 2008 it was invites the new publishers to signup with google adsense and google adsense approval was very easy but in current scenario has totally changed because of google new policies regarding the google adsense approval. Every day Thousand or millions of publisher send request to the adsense for approval but most of the request are rejected by the google adsense with some reasons.
The message look like as

"Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

- Copyrighted material  "

It just an example, the reasons could be different

Google Adsense account approval is not an easy task but not to be very difficult, If you want to approve your google adsense account you need to keep in mind some of the following tips whenever you post on your blog.

1. Required Minimum Post:- Before applying for the google adsense you keep in mind about the number of total quality post on your blog, The Google do not specify the number of post for google adsense but as my experience the minimum number of post should be 40 to 50.

"2. Post Length:- "If you want to approve your google adsense account make habit to write large post like 400 to 600 words do not write small post like 50 to 150 words.

3. Write Content related to your Blog Title:- Write those content which are related to your blog title because google is very strict for this. Most of the blog writer use different different post unrelated to the blog title so always keep in mind about the posts, write those post which should be relate to the blog title.

"4. Grammatically Strong Language:-"Make sure which language you are using to write content on your blog is well known by you and there are less grammatical mistakes because google is very strict about it. The Google Adsense reviewer review manually to your blog so always write clean and grammatically better contents.

"5. Avoid Pornographic Content:-"Google never review those blogs which are having the adult/porn related contents and if you are using these type of contents your blog should go down in google ranking so strongly avoid porn contents.

"6. Avoid writing for Hacking:-" Do not write contents which are giving the idea about hack something because google is very strict about it.

"7. Use Good Quality Images:-" If you are planning to post something on your blog use the relevant Nice Quality images which are define correctly about your post. Always keep in mind the images could not downloaded from the google make your own images.

"8. Do not Copy Paste:-" Avoid copy paste from other blogs or websites because google has a policy about the copyright contents.
some Example of Copyright Contents:-

  * Text Paragraphs.
  * Images.
  * Do not directly linked to copyrighted materials.
  * Do not use videos or music." 9. Uniques Design:-" Make the unique and attractive design for your blog this will help to attract more visitors to your blog also make a attractive and related logo for your blog.

"10. Good Amount of unique visitors:-" Make sure your blog has the 1000 of unique visitors and 3000 page views per day if do not have promote it until you will not have these number of amount of visits.

The all above tips are the key point to approve your google adsense account. whenever you posting on your blog always keep in mind these tips.

All the Best for your Google Adsense Approval.

How to add Adsense ads to Blog

Adsense is the first choice of many expert bloggers for their blog monetizing because it is a contextual based ad which shows relevant to the content. To increase the ad revenue webmasters try various ad spot on their blog to get maximum output from their advertisement programs. You might have observed an ad below post title in most of the big blogs. Why they prefer adding ads below the post title? It is because the spot just after the post title is the best place to put ads to increase Click Through Rate (CTR). But you should not rely on what other follows. You should keep trying to add adsense at various locations to check which spot works best for you. Come to our today's tutorial which is about how to show Google Adsense Ad below post titles in blogger. So, let start the tutorial. 1. Go to your Google Adsense account. 2. Create a new ad unit. 3. For better results choose wide area ad sizes like 300*250 Medium Rectangle or 336*280 Large Rectangle. 4. Customize your ad colors and click on save and get code button. 5. Now parse this code using this HTML Parse Tool to change special characters into their corresponding HTML entities. The ads won't appear if you use that code directly. 6. Now copy the parsed code.           
1. Go to Blogger >> Template.
2. Backup your blog template.
3. Click on Edit HTML button.
4. Tick on Expand Widget Template box.
5. Press Ctrl + F and search for <data:post.body/>
6. Now paste below code just above it.
== &quot;item&quot;'>
8. Click on save template button.
9. You are done!

Best Altenative To Google Adsense

Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) is the
industry's leading alternative to Google
AdSense both in terms of Revenue and
Size of Network (with 300,000+ active
publishers worldwide).
For all publishers Chitika is an easy to
use platform for earning daily ad
Chitika is a CPC based and search
targeted advertising network displaying
ads related to the article heading or the
term visitor used to approach the
website. To give publishers high amount
of income Chitika uses custom "Click
Prediction" technology to show select
ads when there is a greater chance they
will be clicked on. Chitika pay higher on
US and UK based traffic also you can
earn some extra cash with referral
program. To be approved as a publisher
is very easy , from free platforms to self-
hosted it accepts almost every one.
You can withdraw your money via
PayPal(with $10 minimum payout) or
Check (with $50 minimum payout).

How to make money using google adsense

What is Google Adsense???
The majority of Internet users are probably
aware of Google AdSense but for the sake
of keeping beginners up-to-date here is a
quick overview about the program and
major benefits:
It is own by Google
It’s a major source of income for
Google (On 2012 Q3 earnings from
AdSense was $3.13 billion which
represents around 27% of Google’s
It is free for publishers
Advertisers use the Adwords program
to advertise their products or services
on AdSense websites. They only pay
when someone clicks on their ads (PPC
– Pay per click) Publishers receive 68% of the revenue
and Google 32%. For example if an
advertiser pays $1 for a click then 68
cents will go to the publisher and 32
cents to Google.
The cost per click calculation is based
on an auction type system
It is very easy to use
It is the most reliable advertising
platform on the Internet today and
can generate the most revenue for
publishers (compared to other similar
PPC systems)
AdSense besides content web sites is
also available for games, videos,
mobiles and search products.
You can find out more details about Google
AdSense in the AdSense Help Center.
So, AdSense is free, easy to use, you get
68% of the revenue – what else do you
need to make money with AdSense?

What do you need to make money with adsense???

You need a content rich website
AdSense loves content rich websites.
Content can be of any kind (including text,
images, videos), provided that it does not
violate the AdSense content policies.
It is suggested though to have text on the
pages as well so that the AdSense crawler
can understand better what the website is
about. AdSense is more suitable for
websites that publish articles, case studies,
how-to guides (like this one), but there are
also success stories of other types of
websites as well.
You need a high quality website
It’s not enough to publish content that
does not violate AdSense content policies
but you also need to provide for high
quality content on a high quality web site .
Google is liable to advertisers for the
money the pay so they don’t want their ads
to appear on low quality websites. In the
past this was possible but the last couple
of years they have more strict policies on
the type of websites you can run AdSense.
You need a LOT of traffic
AdSense is a good way to make money
online and it is perhaps the easiest method
provided that you have a good amount of
quality traffic coming to your website. I
cannot give you an exact number because
the amount of money you can make
depends on the earnings per click (EPC)
and click through rate (CTR), but I don’t
usually advice my clients to run AdSense on
websites that have less than 300-400
unique visits per day.
In general though, the more targeted
traffic you have, the more money you can
make with AdSense.
You need to target the right keywords
If you target the right keywords in your
content then you can make more money
with AdSense or with any other advertising
platform. What are the right keywords?
Keywords that are: (1) used by advertisers
to promote their products so the
competition is greater and (2) action
keywords. Action keywords are more
effective since the users are more likely to
‘take action’ i.e. convert after they click.
Let’s look at the following example:
Assume that you have 2 websites in the
weight loss niche that are running
AdSense. Both websites receive the same
amount of organic traffic and they have the
ads in the same positions. The first one is
getting visitors searching for: ‘weight loss
tips’, ‘how to lose weight’, ‘lose belly fat’
and the other one is getting traffic from
keywords like: ‘why drinking water is
important’, ‘what to eat after dinner’, ‘how
many meals to eat per day’.
The first website is likely to make more
money with AdSense because more
advertisers are interested for those
keywords so the number of available
relevant ads will be greater. Users are also
likely to click the ads more often since
users looking for tips or solutions to their
problem are more likely to click on a
relevant ad than users who are searching
for general information.
This is also the reason why organic traffic
is considered to be more valuable than any
other form of traffic i.e. because it is
highly targeted and converts better.
You need to fully comply with AdSense
As I said above AdSense represents 1/3 of
Google’s revenue so they take the whole
program very seriously. While it is relatively
easy for everyone to get an AdSense
account, if you don’t play by their rules
100% you risk losing your account.
Even if you are an existing or new AdSense
publisher make sure that you read
their policiesbefore implementing AdSense
on your website. Remove from your mind
any ideas for tricking the system and
always remember that they have hired the
best people to make sure that nobody will
be able to bypass their rules and policies.
You need to have a website with a
purpose and not a MFA (made for
AdSense) website
While AdSense is a great way to monetize
a website, websites that are made for the
sole purpose of running AdSense ads are
not favorable by Google. I have mentioned
this in a previous post: 5 reasons you are
not making money online and what is
important to understand is that you
website or blog needs to have a clear
purpose which goes beyond making money
with AdSense.
Yes, you can use AdSense to make money
from an established blog that has lots of
traffic and visitors; you can use AdSense to
make some extra money from you website
while selling your own products and
services as well, but it’s not a very good
idea to make a blog and start publishing
mediocre content for the sole purpose of
getting organic visits and then run AdSense
to make money. In the past this model
may have worked, but not anymore.

How to earn money using youtube

Looking to earn some extra scratch from
your huge collection of adorable cat
videos? Think you’ve got a shot to go viral
with that heroic three-story bellyflop you
did last summer? No matter what kind of
footage you’ve got, there’s a way to make
money off of it.
That being said, you should know that
YouTube isn’t some kind of cash cow just
waiting to be milked. Sure, there are a
handful of YouTubers that make bookoo
bucks, but they are the exception, not the
rule. There are hundreds of millions of
YouTube channels out there, and the vast
majority of them only make a few cents a
day. Earning a sizable amount of money on
YouTube takes time, dedication, hard work,
and oftentimes just plain luck. But hey, if
that Fred kid can be make millions of
dollars and land a movie deal just from
being ridiculously annoying, who’s to say
your channel can’t bring in a few bucks?
It’s worth a shot.
Thanks to Google’s YouTube Partner
program, monetizing your videos is
extremely easy. If all’s well with your
account, you can have ads up and running
on your videos in just a couple hours, ready
to start building your retirement fund a few
pennies at a time. Below we’ve covered the
steps you need to take to get started,
along with a few tips for making great
videos that people will watch.
Before you can start making money off of
your videos, you need to enable
monetization on your YouTube account. In
doing so, you become a “YouTube Partner,”
which basically means you allow Google to
place ads on your content in exchange for
payment each time one of those ads is
Step 1 : To enable monetization on your
account, make sure you’re logged in to
YouTube and go to account features . Once
you’re there, look to the middle of the
page and find the Monetization section
listed under Features. Click
the Enable button and agree to Google’s
terms of service to continue.
In order to be eligible for account
monetization, your account must be in good
standing. If you’ve uploaded any
copyrighted content or disregarded
YouTube community guidelines by posting
horrible comments, Google might not allow
you to monetize your videos.
Step 2 : After you’ve agreed to the terms of
service, you’ll be greeted with a dialog that
looks something like this:
At this point you’ll need to decide what
kind of ads you’d like to be displayed on
your video. Overlay ads are the small
banners that occupy the lower third of the
video, whereas TrueView ads are video ads
that play before your video. Using both
isn’t always the best plan – depending on
the content of your video, you might want
to opt for one over the other.
Think about the type content you’re
working with and be conscious of the
audience likely to consume it. If your video
is a tutorial on how to rope a goat, tie a
bowtie, or some other piece of valuable
educational material, then your viewers are
more likely to sit through an ad. If your
video is just something silly and fun, you
might want to opt for just Overlay ads, as
TrueView video ads can often turn people
away from your video before they even
watch it. Don’t stress too much about
which ads will be more effective though –
you can always change your settings later.
Just keep an eye on your Adsense page to
track views and clicks so you can get an
idea of what works best.
Step 3 : Click that big ol’ Monetize button
in the lower left and you’re all set. Your
videos will be under review for a short
period, but after that they should start to
display ads whenever they’re played.
Getting paid:
Now that you’ve got your account all set up
and monetized, any earnings you get will
be funneled into your Adsense account. If
you don’t already have an Adsense account,
you’ll need to set one up at some point,
but Google doesn’t force you to do it until
your video starts generating a decent
amount of revenue. In order to fully set up
your Adsense account and receive your
earnings, you need to complete the five
steps listed here.
The last of these five steps requires you to
meet a payment threshold before Adsense
gives you money. Basically what this means
is that you’ll need to accrue at least $100
before you get paid. If you don’t meet this
threshold by the end of the month, your
earnings will be rolled over to the next
month (and the next month, and the next
month if necessary) until the threshold is
met. Depending the popularity of your
video(s), this could take anywhere from a
few hours to a few months – or even

20 ways to earn money online

If you're a passionate closet writer who
wants to be published but can't find a
way to do so, make each keystroke your
way to wealth by penning your own
blog. Starting a blog doesn't require
extensive technical skills but it's
important that you have expertise in the
field you are writing on. This will attract
visitors to your site. Building a large
following will enable you to earn profit
by luring advertisers, writing paid
reviews or getting commissions for
promoting other people's products.
Paid Writing
If maintaining a blog is difficult for you
but you still want to indulge your
passion for writing, you can jot down
articles for other blogs or sites such as
Weblogs, Helium or PayPerPost. Writing
an e-book can also be a good option. E-
books are investment free, with no cost
for printing and shipping. If you have a
strong command over languages, you
can become a copy editor, where
Webmasters will pay you to read articles
and correct grammatical errors,
sentence fragments, etc.
The demand for tutors is high and
growing. So, if you like helping others
learn, e-teaching could be the earning
ticket for you. All you need to become
an online tutor is expertise in your
subject and a few spare hours per
week. TutorVista, e-tutor, SmartThinking
and Tutor.com are some of the sites you
can enroll with. If you gain a good
reputation as a coach, you could even
conduct Webinars-lectures or seminars
transmitted over the Net. College and
university students are willing to pay to
gain entry to a well-respected Webinar.
For those who have the knack of selling,
one of the best ways to make money
online is to become an affiliate/reseller.
An affiliate is a person who gets a
commission for selling every product
that he promotes, whether on his
Website or through any other avenue
such as eBay. You don't have to own the
product. You only need to sign up for
an affiliate program with a company and
start selling its products under your
referral link. Firms such as Commission
Junction or Click Bank have a large pool
of products.
Buying/Selling domains
Buying and selling domain names is
another way to make money from home
and requires very little investment or
time. You can buy domains at their
registration prices or even cheaper and
trade them at a profit. However, always
research on sites such as sedo.co.uk,
afternic.com, ebay.com or other domain
auction sites to get an estimate of the
hottest selling names. The best way to
find good ones is to use terminated
domain lists, which contain several
expired names that are back in the pool.
Freelancing for Professionals
Freelancing is a great option for
professionals who are experts in their
respective trades and know how to
ensure customer satisfaction. Various
freelancing and project-oriented sites
allow companies that need help to
describe their projects. Freelancers and
small businesses offer bids, ideas or
proposals, from which the buyers can
choose what they find most suitable.
Websites such as Elance cover
everything from programming and
writing to data entry and design, while
RentACoder focuses on software
You can sell space on your Website or
blog for advertisements and you earn
when these ads are clicked by visitors to
your site. The sorting and placing of ads
is free. The profitability of pay-per-click
advertising depends on the traffic level
of the Website and, most importantly,
on the clickthrough rate and cost per
click. Google AdSense is the most
popular option, while others are
BidVertiser, Text Link Ads and Blogads.
Direct banner and RSS feed are some
other forms of online advertising.
GPT Programme
GPT or Get-paid-to sites are becoming
increasingly popular among teens. You
get paid for signing up for free Websites,
newsletters, playing games and filling
out online surveys. These are suitable
for people who don't have a skill set but
want to earn extra money. Taking online
surveys is simple- register with a few
legitimate, paid survey sites and answer
questions. The topics range from
shopping to politics. This might not help
you make a living, but you can earn
good pocket money. Contests2win is
one of the trusted GPT Websites.
Online Marketing
Once a Website is created and
optimised for search engine (SEO), the
SEM or Search Engine Marketing begins.
A treasure trove lies hidden here. An
SEO/SEM expert, who is responsible for
marketing a Website, can promote it in
various ways. These include article
marketing, writing press releases, forum
posting, blog posting, submitting your
site to directories and search engines,
social bookmarking, etc. Most
companies don't do this in-house and
pay you to conduct the SEM for them.
Making themes
As more and more people seek an online
presence, the demand for Website
templates and WordPress (Blog) themes
will keep increasing. If you are good at
Web designing and coding, you can earn
a lot from designing Web themes. In this
segment, there are mainstream Websites,
such as TemplateMonster and
ThemeForest, which act as a
marketplace where you can sell your
themes. Templates are sold and priced
depending on the rights and features
that are bundled with them.
Selling photos
If you enjoy photography and are good
with a camera, you could be sitting on a
huge reserve of revenue. There are
people who will be interested in your
collection of images. Nowadays, it's easy
to take your photos to the public,
providing a convenient way to build a
secondary income stream. Many stock
photo agencies, such as Fotolia,
Dreamstime and Shutterstock, offer
incentives for people to earn from their
Support & service
Providing coding or fixing other
Webmasters' issues is another great way
to earn extra bucks. There are simple
jobs ranging from adding a script to
setting up sites, but knowledge of Web
coding is essential. One can offer
support for Web CMS (content
management systems) like Drupal or
Joomla. After you are comfortable with
your own installation, you can help
other people to set these up and
configure them.
Stock/forex trading
Joining the stock/forex market may
seem a bit risky. However, you can start
small and continue researching till you
gain experience in this area. Once you
do, it will be easy to earn from
exchanging foreign currencies and/or
stocks. Their rates fluctuate depending
on supply and demand, and economic
and political influences in the world.
The aim of any trader is to spot which
currency/stock is likely to rise or fall in
value against another. The more time
you put in, the more you will earn.
Selling your own brand
If you have a flair for designing cool
images, don't bother about creating
your own inventory. As long as your
design can be printed on a product, you
can pocket some money. You can
upload designs on various Websites such
as CafePress, and if somebody orders
these designs, the company will print
them and distribute the products. It
could be designs for T-shirts, hats, bags,
books, posters, calendars, greeting
cards, etc. You will receive a
commission for each sale. Other such
sites include Lulu and Zazzle.
Virtual Assistant
Small businesses always need help in
running their processes, but may not be
willing to hire a full-time employee. As a
virtual assistant, you are expected to
perform practically any administrative
task that a traditional secretary or
assistant would, such as make travel
reservations, handle expense
reimbursements or pay bills. You can do
it from the comfort of your home,
interacting with clients either online or
by phone. Your expertise will decide
how much moolah you rake in.
Inbound call centre
Many companies, who are facing space
constraints, especially those in metro
cities, prefer to hire workers outside
their offices or outsource certain
processes. You can set up an inbound
call centre at home to handle such jobs.
Research different companies that are
outsourcing their work as they may have
opportunities for inbound call centre
agents. You can work for more than one
company. This can be either a part-time
or fulltime engagement, depending on
your need.
You Tube
If there's a dramatic performer hidden
inside you who craves applause and
adulation, upload yourself on YouTube.
You can be a filmmaker, musician or
comedian who wants a wider audience.
Your earnings will come from ads
displayed on your video page. This
process is similar to the pay-per-click
advertising program common to other
Websites and blogs. Sites such as Flixya
and Mediaflix can be helpful in this
Researching for others
Don't be morose if you can't write,
design or code. Lack of talent cannot
stop you from making money online. If
you're willing to work hard for a few
hours a week, you can take up simple
research jobs for other people who
don't have the time to do it themselves.
You could search for opportunities in
organisations that provide funding for
research and offer to assist them
through online investigation.
Building Applications
With smartphones gaining popularity,
the demand for their applications, or
apps as they are popularly known, has
also shot up. There are over 3 million
apps for the iPhone and over a million
apps in Google's Android market. Most
of these are selling like hot cakes.
Developing and selling your own
smartphone app is becoming a lucrative
way to make money on the Internet.
Apps cost virtually nothing to develop
and entail no storage or shipping costs.
So they enjoy the best profit margins.
Medical transcription involves making
written copies of oral material dictated
by doctors or other medical experts.
These may include history and physical
reports, clinical notes, consultation
notes, reports, letters, psychiatric
evaluation and so on. The dictated
material needs to be transcribed swiftly
and accurately, which is the most
challenging aspect of the job. To
become a medical transcriptionist, you
need to have a good knowledge of
medical terminology and a high typing
speed along with accuracy.